1.1 – Standardize Peruvian Hearts Brand Identity

Your “brand” is the way in which people understand and connect to the services that PH provides. Brand identity allows for a consistent and accurate interpretation of the organization’s purpose. It is crucial for PH to establish brand identity to enable both current and potential donors to make appropriate connections to the organization. We have identified, as the top priority, that PH create consistency within their messaging across all channels. This consistency includes taglines, colors, templates, and repeated use of one or two hash tags (drawn from the BPS) on social media channels.

The following tactics and suggested deliverables will provide PH with resources to represent itself in a consistent way that enables individuals to make links to the organization and build an impressive media kit. Additionally, these deliverables will serve as vehicles for PH to increase awareness surrounding their brand. By starting with brand clarity, PH is positioning itself to consistently communicate this brand through every marketing tactic they use henceforth. The tactics that we suggest in the branding section are starting points for PH to more effectively ease into the additional strategies and tactics we present in this document.

Tactics for 1.1

Create brand messaging plan across all platforms

With the brand now defined, established, and represented effectively, PH should next focus on generating awareness of the brand through the most important element of the organization: the young Peruvian woman who inspired the organization. Messaging should use the BPS as an anchor to generate consistent brand positioning. Steps To Implement Use the BPS as boilerplate … Continue reading Create brand messaging plan across all platforms


Clarify Peruvian Promise

Peruvian Promise is an extremely confusing element of PH. The current social media posts, interviews/videos with Ana and the girls, and newsletters sent out by PH all encompass the goals and mission of Peruvian Promise, which is currently represented as a separate element of PH. Because of this, our team strongly recommends that PH not … Continue reading Clarify Peruvian Promise


Adopt the Brand Positioning Statement

The brand positioning statement our team produced effectively defines the PH brand: Steps to Implement Consider BPS as an updated mission statement for Peruvian Hearts See additional detail under: “Create clear and consistent brand messaging across all platforms“


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