Develop an in-bound marketing framework using search and social

Steps to Implement

  • Identify opportunities for back links. Backlinks help Google determine page authority. Reach out to receptive organizations/bloggers that refer to Ana and PH and request they link to PH as part of their article.
  • PH can create simple webpage badges that donors can post on their blogs or other websites to express their support. This also creates a backlink for SEO purposes.
  • A similar effect can be achieved in social by inviting donors who have just completed a donation to share their support on social media.
  • PH can use free and easy-to-use marketing automation tools like to automatically push social media posts to other platforms. This saves time and helps unify the overall communication strategy. Give each social media platform a unique page/role as to where they point to the website or to other social media. Automation tools can then be used to solidify these approaches. This makes connecting social traffic to donor conversions easier.

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