Business-to-Business Strategy

In the target market analysis section of this plan, we identified corporate sponsors as a third group for PH to target their marketing efforts. Corporations and businesses are a lucrative target audience for PH and require a marketing communications strategy separate from consumers. Accordingly, this IMC Plan will focus on individual donors.

Peruvian Hearts does not have a formal business-to-business strategy. Currently, they use the following avenues to provide information to both individuals and businesses.

  • The Peruvian Hearts website:
  • Annual newsletter (sent to over 1,000 people each year)
  • Peruvian Hearts Facebook page
  • A brochure/booklet
  • A trifold brochure
  • Email blasts
  • Instagram account
  • Fundraising events which are more like “friendraisers”
  • Peruvian Hearts Women’s Conference held annually in Peru
  • One Billion Acts of Peace campaign-Children of the Light video

PH has relied on attraction rather than a formal marketing campaign. They have attracted donors by making friends and sharing information on their website, Facebook page, etc. However, now that they want to raise more funds, they are looking to implement more formal advertising and marketing strategies. Their five-year goal is to have 100 girls at once in their program.

During 2014, PH raised $140 thousand in donations from both individuals and businesses. Peruvian Hearts is currently partnered with the following businesses:

PH has connections with the following organizations:

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