Corporate Image

To provide a framework for our analysis, we attempted to identify those elements associated with the image of PH. According to Clow and Baack (2014), Corporate Image can be perceived in the following ways (p. 27):

An explanation of each corporate image element is elaborated on in this section.

1. Goods and Services Sold


As a nonprofit organization, PH does not sell goods or services in the traditional sense; however, they do promote an ideal. As noted on their website, they are committed to providing education and material well-being to young girls within Peru as a means of eliminating poverty. In this sense, one might consider the product (from the target audience’s perspective) to be a sense of commitment to altruism. Yet it is a very specific type of altruism, focused on young girls who have not had educational opportunities in the past.


By focusing on the ideal of altruism, PH reflects a very positive image—one of giving, caring, and promoting a better world. Further, the image is one in which an underserved community (Peruvian girls) receive great benefit. The implication is that PH occupies a unique niche—not just giving, but also giving in a strategic way that builds out from female Peruvians to benefit the country as a whole.

2. Retail Outlet


PH has two “outlets” for their company. The first is the office in Denver, and the second is the house in which the girls live in Peru. From the customer’s perspective, the Denver office plays a smaller role. PH operates out of the Dodson family business—a local law firm. The home in Cusco, although not highlighted in most of the marketing materials, is quite nice. It is a very modern apartment that houses up to 17 girls. The apartment includes spaces for discussion, study, and other activities. Additionally, the home is equipped with computers and desks. Frequently, PH invites individuals to provide in-house lectures on various topics such as women’s empowerment.


As our team considers the outward facing messages from PH, it will be important to stress the quality of the facilities that the PH girls enjoy. From the perspective of a likely donor, every dollar is well spent. PH is a small organization committed to providing a clean and safe environment for its girls.

3. Advertising, Promotions, and other Forms of Communication


Most of PH’s promotional materials follow a similar theme and message. They tend to highlight images of the girls as happy, healthy, and productive. For example, the home page for the website ( features a large group of girls walking down the street, smiles on their faces, promoting a positive message. Additionally, many of the promotional materials feature Ana Dodson, who is responsible for starting Peruvian Hearts and can be considered “the face” of the organization. In recent months, Ana has been featured in multiple media outlets and has been part of a film highlighting teenagers who have made a difference in the world.

The flagship program for PH is Peruvian Promise, which can be considered a product of PH. In short, it is an educational program that provides support to college-age girls—both monetarily and emotionally.
Other promotional materials include a yearly newsletter and Facebook presence. All of these materials contain a positive image; however, it should be noted that they often lack a unified theme. For example, many viewers are unclear of the difference between Peruvian Hearts and Peruvian Promise.


Peruvian Hearts has received a great deal of press—both local and national, though not through traditional promotional efforts on the part of the organization. The Peruvian Hearts marketing communications further the positive message of the organization, yet the message may not be as “unified” as it could be, as noted in the confusion over the difference between PH and Peruvian Promise.

4. Corporate Name and Logo


The name Peruvian Hearts has been around since the beginning of the organization. It has great name recognition within the Denver area, and it is highlighted as the domain name for the website. The name highlights the location of the organization’s efforts “Peru” and suggests that the organization “cares” through the use of the heart. The logo does a good job of conveying the image with the use of the heart, hand, and dove. It should be noted that there is some discrepancy in the use of the logo. For example, the color changes, depending upon the background of the promotional material.


The organization is making good use of the name and logo, but one of our primary tasks will be to make a clear distinction between PH and Peruvian Promise. Also, it might be worthwhile to develop a style guide so that the logo is used in a consistent manner, regardless of the publication.

5. Employees


PH does not have any full time employees. The entire Dodson family, however, donates much of their time to the efforts of the organization. This includes Ana, Danny, Judi, and Rocco. In addition, within Peru, the organization receives extensive support from Edwin and Jeanette Gonzallez. All of these individuals are heavily committed to the organization. Each volunteer maintains a professional demeanor that promotes a positive image. Danny and Edwin, in particular, have become the face of the organization within Peru. Both have extensive contacts with the government and other agencies.


In terms of image, there are many opportunities for Edwin and Danny to promote the PH image throughout Peru. Through mutual contacts with other NGOs and organizations, key collaborations may be developed such as connections with tourism boards and other Peruvian economic export organizations, such as mining.

6. Corporate Personnel and Environmental Policies


As mentioned above, PH is a grassroots organization, and as such, there are very few “corporate personnel.” Rather, the organization is largely family run. And within Peru, members of PH are also limited in numbers and closely associated with the Dodson family.

In terms of Environmental Policies, the organization has a strong commitment to improving the environment. Recently, they fully funded a solar paneled water heating system at one of the local schools. It should be noted that the support of local schools will come to an end in the coming year, yet the commitment to the environment is still a major concern. In short, PH is an environmentally conscious organization.


We can definitely leverage much of the work that PH has done in terms of environmental awareness. This, coupled with the social justice issues surrounding the organization should be highlighted in much of the website as a means of gaining further support from affiliated organizations.

7. Ideals and Beliefs of Corporate Personnel


As this document should make clear, PH is committed to improving the lives of those around them, specifically girls, but also addressing poverty throughout Peru. As such, PH is a rare commodity, even among NGOs; they have limited operating expenses, and all major funding assists the girls within Peru.


Although it is somewhat risky, transparency is important in terms of marketing the PH organization. We can benefit from publication of the philosophies of the organization, both in terms of its use of every dollar toward helping the girls and the philosophy surrounding the ways in which they have addressed issues of poverty.

8. Culture of the Country and Culture of the Company


Peru is a male-dominated culture. It is rare for females to attend college. Further, many of the families appreciate the efforts of PH, but at the same time, they see college as something completely foreign to their culture (in the case of girls). In many ways, the culture of PH is fighting against this cultural norm, which can cause some tension—both for families and within the country as a whole.


When marketing within Peru, it will be important to address cultural norms. We will need to be cognizant of the fact that PH is fighting an uphill battle when it comes to addressing attitudes. With this in mind, all Marketing Communication should focus on benefits to the community as a whole, both male and female in solving issues of poverty.

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